As DIAGNOS continues to build upon it's growing network of stakeholders (many which are public companies listed on the TSX.V), it becomes a strong candidate for recruitment of additional IR services as are offered by AGORACOM. Presently, I see that you share a mutual professional affiliation with Sage Gold, and that you have provided and supply hubs for many of DIAGNOS' current partners.
Continued activity on the DIAGNOS hub would serve to foster and lubricate continued relationships amongst DIAGNOS, it's partners, and AGORACOM; and would be strengthened through the appointment of a DIAGNOS hub leader(s) in order for improved controlling and effectiveness of the DIAGNOS hub.
I will thereby put forward names of the following individuals for your consideration of this status:
- Bartguy
- Farmer Spanky
Good day to you AGORACOM, and please keep up the great work.