risky, I agree that those questions would never come up if we were trading at 5 or 10 dollars a share - but we're not. We have to ask our questions based on what is, not on what we are hoping for the future. So at this time, at .27 the question is valid and of concern. My hope is that Leo sticks to the plan and things go smoothly as he continues to jump through the hoops and that we really are open for business in Q2 as stated. Other than the selling I like what's been happening. I also hope that the dealers will bring enough business to the new exchange based on the deal they've been offered. Spin sees that as delaying profits while I see it as a sale to bring new clients into the store, and a smart move. I'll vote for you risky when I come to a decision on how many stars to give you. Thanks for the welcome considering my recent criticism.