Targeting multi-million high-grade oz. in Quebec

Windfall Lake Property, located near Val d'Or, Quebec: Indicated 538,000 oz. (10.05 gpt) / Inferred 822,000 oz. (8.76 gpt) (July 2012)

Message: My take

Hi Fan,

The 8700m of core wasn't hidden anywhere. It was simply left on property. I spoke with Richard about this and he said that is the norm. Only certain sections of the drill core are assayed, they never do the whole shebang. They send selected portions, and depending on result, might go back and send more, etc. You nhave to remeber that these cores are sometimes 100's of meters in length.

The cost of logging the core, splitting, assaying etc, is very high, and the companies have to be sensitve to those costs.

I was left with the clear impression that had Richard been allowed to continue on to phase 2 of the tunnel and the drill campaign, these cores would likely have been assayed as well, or alternatively, the resource would have been proven up without them in any event.

This gave Brad and the boys a very nice starting point without having to expend further cash on immediate drill programs.

Smart of them to go back and test.

I like where this is going!


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