Targeting multi-million high-grade oz. in Quebec

Windfall Lake Property, located near Val d'Or, Quebec: Indicated 538,000 oz. (10.05 gpt) / Inferred 822,000 oz. (8.76 gpt) (July 2012)

Message: Here I is.

You'll be pleased/disappointed to note that I have recently become a shareholder here as well. And at Barkerville. Seems that the group with the "opportunistic" raid here are the same-ish group fussin over at BGM. Interesting. Either they are following me and my famous prognosticatin' cat around or there is gold in them thar hills. Maybe they will launch a bombing raid on that other stock where I am the King, you see.

Not much to add here this morning. Hoping that all goes well and Knights come out of the woodwork.

That damn cat of mine sure likes to put ole daddy in some interesting plays.

Later troops.


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