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Message: Total Lithium-Ion Battery Sales Forecast To Double By 2012 to US$13.1B

Total Lithium-Ion Battery Sales Forecast To Double By 2012 to US$13.1B

posted on Dec 01, 2008 04:58AM

Nikkei. Market researcher Fuji-Keizai Co. forecasts that global sales of rechargeable batteries for all applications will surge 43% from 2007 to ¥3.61 trillion (US$37.9 billion) in 2012, led by a doubling of lithium-ion battery sales.

Sales of lithium ion batteries are seen growing to ¥1.25 trillion [US$13.1 billion] in 2012, about 2.1 times as high as 2007 sales. In addition to use in inexpensive notebook personal computers and power tools, these batteries are expected to be utilized in electric cars and hybrid vehicles.

Sales of dry cells and other non-rechargeable batteries are expected to grow 22% from 2007 to 1.48 trillion yen in 2012. The percentage of alkaline dry cell batteries sold will likely increase from around 70% in 2007.


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