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Message: Exide Technologies

Hemi - This is an interesting post. Exide has a deep history of battery manufacture and recycling, both in N.A. and around the world. They have been completely chewed up by the negative health and environmental consequences associated with lead-acid batteries at their facilities, and management may be culpable for allowing the company to take the path it has. Liability associated with the Vernon recycling plant (and the recent announcement of its closure) muddies the companies ability to emerge from Chapter 11, something which was not clear from the start. It does sound like Exide has access to significant funding as they attempt to reorganize, but if lawsuits start to mount restructuring may become impossible.

That said, if they can navigate the depths and find a way up, and if EFL does have a licencing relationship with them, instant access to a 100+ year old manufacturing and recycling insfrastructure is not without value. It will be interesting to monitor what happens with Exide as a going concern but, even if the waters settle, any financial reward for EFL is much further down the road. IMO.....

PS: Folks - I'm new to the board but have monitored your discussion of EFL for quite a while now. Tends to be one of the more balanced discussion boards on this company, so props to those of you who contribute.

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