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Message: Improved battery

I believe we are going to see a much improved battery being offered by electrovaya when this all comes together. If you look at Evonik Litarion's patent portforlio you see many relate to electrode and separator coatings. http://patents.justia.com/assignee/evonik-litarion-gmbh If we combine them with the technology from electrovaya I think the combination will result in a greatly improved battery and probably an improved manufacturing process. If you look at one of their recent hires-Elmira Memarzedeh- we can see what she has been working on. https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/elmira-memarzadeh-e-i-t/57/23/68a Looking up all the short forms-XRD,TOF-SIMS,XPS,SEM,TEM in her research we see that they relate to coatings and materials. I believe the rest of the testing mentioned relates to testing the battery with the new combined technology (just my opinion). I would assume that the integration of the new separator and possibly new coatings for electrodes was successfull because they have gone ahead and licensed the separion technology. If all of the properties of the separion separator are transferable to electrovaya's battery we should see greatly improved safety, longer life, the ability to charge faster and possibly other improvements.

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