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Message: Call me crazy!

This company has been delaying announcements arbitrarily. I would tend to believe that they do not want too much attention as they already have secured some important contracts and try to avoid being overhelmed by a high demand.

For obscure reasons, the Litarion acquisition announcement may have been delayed:

- On December 9th, Bernard Fleet wrote:

"In summary, Electrovaya has been able to secure this attractive investment since the original owner was committed to exiting the lithium battery business. As noted, Electrovaya was able to acquire the assets while also securing a lucrative, guaranteed battery supply contract. This acquisition of a state-of-the-art, giga-scale plant is transformational for Electrovaya and allows global scale production of its environmentally "green" lithium batteries and energy storage systems."

- Electrovaya's profile page for the World Future Energy Summit in January said this:

"Energy Storage Systems with proprietary Lithium Ion batteries. Solar, wind, distributed power; systems from 1 kWh to 5 MWh; Production facilities in Canada and Germany. Complete Green Production; Only Lithium Ion manufacturer which does not use toxic chemicals in its production. Systems operating in Electric Ferries, Mining, Solar Energy Storage, distributed power, urban utility size systems. Energy Storage for Smart Cities and powering electric vehicles. www.electrovaya.com"

Also noted by a board member:

- Maxime Vidricaire was appointed in Germany in January...

The recent news hint that they've been collaborating with Leclanché for months and that one of the possible joint-ventures they allude to is most likely with them as their collaboration is giving great results. They also hint that they already started integrating Litarion's products with Electrovaya batteries a while back and that quite a few prospective clients (Wal Mart and Mondelez included) have been testing the new combination and/or separators for a while also.

On top of the recent PRs, see:

- The transcript from the CC:

"So once we started negotiating to take over this company, we started also to supplying these separators to certain critical clients and they are ecstatic over the safety improvements they see of this separator over any other separator in the market today, so they’re really very pleased that the transaction has gone through and that they will have a capability of accessing this separator."

"The current sales pipeline is over CAD 80 million dollars with multiple key Fortune 100 customers. Next two months for us will be very crucial as we complete production design and fleet trials with various customers."

"The plant is producing as we speak and the plant has clients. So we’re not going to disturb the production process."

"It’s no longer a captive plant for just one customer. So what we envisage is that Litarion is going to be like the mother-ship pouring out electrodes and separators, and there will be lot of cell assembly people downstream. We are looking at joint ventures in India, Middle East, as well as elsewhere, so these downstream people will put together, assemble the cells and put together systems.
So we had announced Leclanché to be one of our first customers. This is a Swiss-German company and they have cell assemblies, they are looking for electrodes and so on. So they are one of our - going to be our first customers outside the present automotive company Litarion is supplying to."


- A quote from an article recently posted by Nickto:

"In Litarion you have found a perfect partner. After all, the company in Kamenz claims to be the largest manufacturer of battery cell components in Europe. These components are now installed, among others, in the cell of Electrovaya. "
A poor Google translation from

With all of that + the recent hiring, and as Hogey stated, we should expect some good news quite soon.


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