posted on
May 22, 2016 09:41AM
(Edit this message through the "fast facts" section)
Just wondering about the timing of when they expect a major increase in revenue. It seems to me that the time that they are expecting this big push is about the time you would expect the non-NMP production to be ready. Electrovaya's energy density prior to Litarion was well over 200 wh/kg and Sankar stated the combined technology would result in "spectacular" performance and energy density. Litacell"s energy density is about 150 wh/kg. Sankar also stated the performance of the new cells with their technology would be superior to the Litarion electrodes so the question is what will the energy density, cycle life and performance of the new non-NMP product with the combined technology be? If the new cells maintain an energy density well over 200 as well as a cycle life of 9000 or greater and the safety provided by the Separion separator we could really have a superior product here. Add to that the significant decrease in cost and it really could be a game changer. I am wondering if they have finished at least one line and have sent samples to customers. Even if just using the Separion with their owns electrodes in Mississauga results in the 9000 plus cycle life it is an extremely competitive product. With the products selling at a much reduced energy density you can see how popular they would be with a more competitive energy density.