(Edit this message through the "fast facts" section)
Cleantech is the priority for funding from the federal government in this budget. http://cleanenergycanada.org/clean-energy-cheat-sheet-budget-2017/ I can't imagine that Electrovaya will not see some major funding from the government. Several different programs are available for cleantech. http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/federal-budget-2017/federal-budget-stands-pat-on-cleantech-shift-despite-u-s-change-of-course-188970/ Richard mentioned government support during the CC. Electrovaya is mentioned in this statement as an example of a cleantech company so we know they are on their radar (near the end of the report). http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/fallstatement/2016/chapter1a.html