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Message: Re: onlygame shut up dude. sell your measly 5,000 shares are get off this board!

Vera, you are just an idiott plain and simple. EFL has been going sideways and dropping 95% of the time over the last 20 yrs. You've had more than enough time (decades, a lifetime) to buy low, buy the dips, accumulate or whatever you want to call your moronic strategy. You've been here years and I would think it's time for even your massive portfolio to finally go up and STAY UP.

As far as what you want, I don't think many here care. I doubt you have much standing on this board. You have no credibilty, you're an ignorant person, you steal others hard work and post like it's yours. You make wild predictions that never come to pass. Too bad you can't handle realistic truth. EFL needs to get its schitt together and get this SP moving in the right direction. Many of us have had enough of this aimless, rudderless erosion of our investments. We were done buying long ago and it's now time for this ship to sail.

I'm not here to hold your hand or make you feel good with rosey nonsense like 3rd rate articles or podcasts that mean absolutely nothing. I'll leave when good and ready. So as they say, wanker. Pisss off.

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