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Message: down again

just out of interest was wondering when Toyota bought Raymond and found this link that is quite interesting, https://intellaparts.com/blog/forklift-industry-history/

I know i complain here most of the time but want to say that overall i am very pleased with the EFL management this past few years except for their plans for financing growth dependent upon the US terrorist government, i figured that would be a problem and wish i sold everything last year in hindsight but i did not and so am dragged down with everyone else day after day.

I don't know what to suggest except selling the whole shebang to Toyota or some company with deep pockets who could take their tech to market in a big way cuz it seems in our jewcentric world no company in the west will ever succeed on their own merits. If you're not in the club you will not get any help and will be taken down, so it seems.

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