I'm not super-experienced but I don't know if I have ever seen an investment go this way. My orginal entry was due to Gov. Hochul and the announcement of the old Accu-Rite factory being sold and a new battery company. Two years ago tomorrow, actually. 75 million was to be invested and it was to open a year ago.
I saw in this forum where there were orders coming out of Jamestown - yet I know that the building is empty. I didn't say anything. I said my line in the sand was going to be whether they got both funding initiatives completed by the end of the FY 2024. Nobody has said anything.
I go to the other forum at Yahoo, it is the other extreme. One loser talking to himself - an ex-employee? But the dirt checks out. Even what I though was abolute crap, that the cells they use are manufactured in China. I'll be damned. I knew that was a lie until I read the application forms from Electrovaya to Chautauqua County and it say right there we buy cells from China. If I sell now my wife will kill me.