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Message: Elevate Renuables - A wholey owned subsidary of ArcLight Funds

 It seems that ArcLight Funds is a large holder of power plants through out the US.  They have several old coal fired plants that are scheduled to be shut down, end of life.  So what do you do with the old buildings and grounds??  It is a very simple answer.  Install BESS systems.  Have you ever noticed all of the main power lines go to these old power plants so that they can send power out in multiple directions.  Perfect situation to have to install a BESS.  The main hold up in installing grid scale batteries is waiting on getting connected to the grid.  The Arthur Kill Generatinng station on Staton Island  is already connected.  Elevate Renuables is putting in a 15MW/60MWh BESS.  So who's battery are they going to use ??  https://elevaterenewableenergy.com/projects/

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