Positioned To Be A Leader In The Integrated Healthcare Space

Offering innovative healthcare that provides body and mind wellness for patients through its clinics with digital and telemedicine

Message: Thank You George

PhilT, you & I have considerably different perspectives, outlooks, and tolerances. I don’t think it’s constructive to reply, but ok. If you haven’t watched the interview, you should (but you will probably find fault in S. McAuley answers, at minimum you will feel there were no “hard questions”, again, you have different tolerances, & that’s fine).

I will say what was useful to me from the interview; he elaborated why the acquisitions are taking time, he discussed organic clinic roll-out & why Empower will do both organic & acquisition, he discussed in some detail the CERES activities, he discussed what A. Tomasello brings to the table re. future growth (especially for the US market). Of course there are other details/couple of other quick topics.

This is a long play since Nov.-Dec. 2020, so Steve’s discussions these last 4-5 months satisfy me (and I don’t rehash missed targets or the over-exhuberant over-promising from 12 or 9 or 6 months ago, this is a micro-cap start-up). The worst thing to happen to this stock was the Feb. ‘21 run-up into fantasy land and it staying too high too long, but that had nothing to do w Steve/he could not control that. Anyone who bought in under .70 has been able to avg. way down, so I still say in 6-12-24 months from now, from the current sp, this will be a 3-5-10 bagger within that timeframe.        

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