Silver Producer Focused on Growth - Mexico

Three producing silver mines/mills in Mexico, the Guanacevi Mine in Durango State and the Bolanitos and El Cubo in Guanajuato. Production forcast for 2013: 8M Oz Eq @ 8-9$/Oz

Message: Fresh Releases - November 14, 2012

Fresh Releases - November 14, 2012
Ascot Resources V.AOT | Endeavour Silver T.EDR | Alhambra Resources V.ALH
Kevin Michael Grace

Ascot Resources reports BC Assays up to 1.89 g/t Gold, 6.4 g/t Silver over 75.2m

Endeavour reports Mexico Assays up to 2.28 g/t Gold, 796 g/t Silver over 7.6m

Alhambra reports Kazakhstan Gold Assays up to 1.12 g/t over 135.6m

Read the rest of these press releases and assay results here.

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