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Message: Troctolites Rock

In 1993, Albert Chislett and Chris Verbiski of Archean Resources Ltd., discovered significant sulphide mineralization south of Nain, Labrador. In August 1996 Inco Limited purchased the Voisey Bay property from Diamond Fields for $4.6 Billion.

The Voisey’s Bay Mine commenced production in 2005, with reported reserves of 17.2 million tonnes of ore grading 2.38% Ni, 1.34% Cu and 0.11% Co (2013 proven and probable reserves). The Voisey’s Bay open pit nickel mine will be expanded to include underground mining and extending the life of the mine to 2035.

The Voisey’s Bay deposit is associated with a geological feature known as the Voisey’s Bay Intrusion (VBI). The VBI is a body of igneous rock, which is a type of that rock crystallized from a magma that rose in the Earth’s crust over a billion years ago. These igneous rocks are mostly made up of rocks called gabbro and troctolite - which have higher nickel contents than most other common rock types (at Voiseys Bay the most significant nickel host rock is troctolite).

Areas known, or suspected to be underlain by gabbroic and troctolitic rocks are prime exploration targets. This situation may exist immediately south of Voisey’s Bay, where existing mapping shows mostly granite and anorthosite.

Equitas Resource’s (TSX.V: EQT) Garland nickel‐cobalt‐PGM project is located approximately 30km’s south‐east of Vale's Voisey’s Bay mine in Labrador, Canada.

Read more http://aheadoftheherd.com/Newsletter/2015/Troctolites_Rock.htm

Richard (Rick) Mills

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