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The Company is focused on the discovery and development of large polymetallic porphyry copper deposits in North America - an area that host numerous world class polymetallic porphyry copper deposits.

Message: Buy and Hold

This really is a fantastic stock boys.

.17 and look at all the potential. It is NOT a shame the market has missed us, in fact it opens up a massive opportunity here for everyone.

If its around after the CUU buyout, roll some profits here, its a fantastic stock that you can lateral your money into to make exponential gains on it. Mind you I also dont feel its will be this cheap when we recieve our money for said buyout.

We have 6 excellent properties, the Boss and the DOK will most likely prove up to be rather large deposits.

The Boss alone has already hit Moly, it has better grades from samples (check the website) than any of the other deposits in production along the two known faultlines that intersect close to this property. These faults have produced the Butte mine (1.1 billion tonnes), and Bingham Canyon (3.9 billion tonnes)

The Boss alone holds enormous potential for anyone getting in at .17. Is it a few years out, well yes...but this is also the time to buy to make the most money. The presence of Moly means theres something nearby, the zones are huge.....stop and think about it for just a second. The Boss property has the potential to take this stock up to a few bucks a share.

Now look at our other properties, they are all excellent properties, and we have absolutely top notch management in place. Look what happened with CUU, a few years and itll be BXX's turn in the sun. Although I feel the coming assays and soon to begin drilling of the East Breccia will probably keep the share price around .50 assuming we have good intercepts. At this point you have already lost 3x your potential profits if you wait around.

Best things I like about BXX;

1) We have 100% ownership of the Boss and 5 other properties. No farm ins here at all, CUU's fatal flaw is the 75% Teck back in due to the agreement that allowed us to prove up the property for them. CUU is a hell of a stock, but if Schaft Creek had been an average deposit it would have been no special story. For this reason if the Boss is only half as big we will still see more money coming our way if someone chooses to acquire it because we own the property outright. BXX has some pretty good dilution going on, but CUU is almost 400 million shares outstanding.

I am not trying to bash CUU, that stock will always have a place in my heart, but the 75% back in for a dime on the dollar gives Teck the most profit out of the deal. We can argue this all night long but the math does not lie. A few good drill intercepts and BXX's potential will start to get noticed.

2) IF the Boss got sold we would see a very nice payout for it. Its proximity to infrastructure, size and what could prove to be excellent grades would make it a very nice acquisition for any major producer. We do have Freeport next door remember, and they staked up land positions around us. They could come up with a few billion for a buyout if they liked what we had, if not them, Im sure it has world class potential that would attract a buyer somewhere. But heres the best part; If we sold the Boss, we would keep all our shares, and could wait around and see what happens with the DOK, the East Breccia, The Crystal Pass, The Oro Amigo and Gordon Lake. The DOK is only 40km from Schaft Creek and all signs point to district, and we did find a rather large chargeability anomaly when we did the airborne ;)

You could potentially see 1-2-3-?? buyouts here if you bought this stock and held on to it. Not to say this is the way it will unfold, but we do have top notch properties, top notch management with a proven record, and easy access to infrastructure on 3 of them. That ladies and gentlemen is potential. You could see a few buyouts and your share position would never change.

Im just saying, this is an excellent junior to buy as its undervalued already, but the forward looking potential is staggering, and I for one think managment has the potential and track record to make this thing a top contender in its class.

You can get in for .17 today, I started picking it up at .02 in December of 08, I liked management and you could get 50k share for $1000 bucks...I liked the odds then and I like them even better now.

I really dont think this is one that can be missed out on, Im only saying because Id like to see everyone benefit from this. I rode CUU from .08 to $2.69.....and I believe when the smoke clears Ill end up with $5+ for whats leftover, but I had to sell a chunk to get a large position here.


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