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The Company is focused on the discovery and development of large polymetallic porphyry copper deposits in North America - an area that host numerous world class polymetallic porphyry copper deposits.

Message: Re: Anything coming up?

Apr 04, 2012 12:07AM

Apr 06, 2012 12:40PM

Apr 07, 2012 12:02PM

Hey Spitfire,

Last I heard we were awaiting permitting on the East Breccia property. This property is hands down our quickest road to a resource although I feel it will pale in Comparison to the Boss property....and what with DOK's proximity to Schaft creek and all the recent land staking in that area by Teck....well I doubt it will approach the size of thr DOK either.

However The East Breccia has;

  • Widespread copper-molybdenum-silver mineralization is hosted in the East Breccia and the south half of the West Breccia, located near the former Tribag Copper Mine site,
  • 55 drill holes have been completed in the East Breccia between 1967 and 1974. Historical drill hole intersections of 0.25% copper, 0.042% MoS2 and 7.2 g/t silver over 142.4m*, and 0.31% copper, 0.038% MoS2, and 4.8 g/t silver over 143.2m* have been reported,
  • The East Breccia has a surface dimension of approximately 550m by 700m and has been explored to a depth of 750m below surface, and
  • The West Breccia has a surface dimension of 200m by 650 m and has been explored to a depth of 850m.
  • This is already there and proven...we have data from 55 holes to interpret....alls we need is Elmer to pop some more drills in there and see what we can start proving up. One thing to note is that the drilling was completed with old school 30mm rigs....we need to get more modern, and more accurate 60mm rigs in there to get some proper core up, however those existing drills certainly arent bad and do have a very high silver content, also I do not believe these holes have been averaged.

    The strategy to drill this as well as our flagship property and the DOK this year is a good one...it not only proves and optimizes this companies capability for year round drilling....its also added in the property that is closest to being a resource. Something to underpin the stock price would be nice....however at the same time I have no problem purchasing shares at this price either.

    At the Cambridge house mining show there was no properties in the room like DOK or the Boss....except for Schaft Creek...another Elmer vehicle.

    Half the problem with BXX is that its captain needs to attend other affairs with CUU....however when CUU is sold I suspect theres going to be a flood of money coming over to the "side project", as well as the captains undivided attention.

    BXX is a gem and despite the number of shares outstanding, we have two world class properties and excellent management. If CUU can get 5$ a share with 400 million shares out....I suspect we can get it with BXX's Boss mine alone, dont forget we own 100% of these properties....we wont lose 75% for under $300 million. I personally feel this stock has the most forward looking potential on the venture.

    If 25% of Schaft Creek is worth $5 for 400 million shares....whats 100% of the Boss worth for 400 million shares....even at 800 million shares out with a similar resource we should get over $5. Plus we got the DOK, plus the East Breccia, plus the Crystal Pass.....you get the idea.


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