Exploring for gold and base metals in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt

Abitibi has produced more than 180 M ounces of gold and more than 450 Mt of Cu-Zn ore to date

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posted on Oct 19, 2009 11:41AM

1. The Chairman and CEO of CIT group announced his resignation effective Dec 31, 2009. 60% of the clothing business of America gets its financing from CIT. Two thousand vendors supply 300,000 retailers with product financed by CIT.

2. Meantime China just announced the fantastic news that exports fell "only" 15% in September. Exxon's total revenues exceed all of China's exports to America. Hello? Anyone listening? Funny, now that the US dollar is really tanking, I don't hear a peep of complaint from the "mighty" Chinese communist Gman. His 100 year plan of securing commodity supplies is a last minute act of desperation, not a masterplan. His last couple of 100 year plans worked well. You know, like the one where he forced his citizens to ride bikes. Well, that only worked for 50 years. How about the one where he gave those with university degrees a choice: Heads you work for 10 cents an hour. Tails we kill you. That also worked well. Now we have his masterplan to burn coal in a zillion plants to generate electricity. Didn't England learn from burning coal 300 years ago? Oh well, what's a little 500,000% increase in cancer rates in a population of a billion people, who cares. Burning fossil fuels is about health, not melted icebergs. China is on the verge of a massive health cost epidemic, fuelled by pollution and McDonalds-style food. However, not to worry, the G20 will soon allocate a full 50 bucks to developing an electric car for delivery in the year 2080 (after handing the banksters another 20 trillion). We're saved!

3. If you think President Obama's health care program is expensive, supersize those problems and you have a view at the costs coming to China's Gman who is the world's largest polluter. with 4 times the US population. But the good news is they just signed a deal with an African dictator to rip off his people's mineral wealth while he murders them by the bucketload. The media applauds how smart they are not to let little details like starvation and murder get in the way of the ripoff.

4. The Chinese population should get a standing ovation for enduring their tyrannical Gman and building the greatest industrial revolution in world history, in spite of their Gman slave masters. I'm personally a buyer of the Chinese "Dow," the Xinhua, all the way to zero. It trades as FXI-NYSE. Support the Xinhua, not the Gman. The Chinese people are working tirelessly to reduce the power and corruption of their Gmen, who make America's Gmen look like Mother Teresa.

5. I consider Richard Russell to be the greatest living expert on the Dow in the world. Here's his view of the Dow:

"...From a valuation standpoint, the March low appeared more like a bull market top!"

6. If the man considered the Dow at the March low to be wildly overvalued, I wonder what he thinks of the valuation now, after a 3500 point upside blast, while unemployment has rocketed to "somewhere" between 10 and 20 percent.

7. What the gold community is witnessing is a bankster-engineered panic out of the US dollar. All it takes is for a small portion of the world's largest market to make its way into gold and you have the potential for an upside blast like has never been experienced in history.

15. I've long stated that the gold juniors would shine only when the US dollar institutional lake began moving into gold, not just into foreign currencies. I gave $1000 as the rough launchpad where I expected to see the lake start the gold geyser erruption. Assuming there are no new massive OTCD (OTC derivatives) surprises, I think we're at that point right now. I seriously believe there is more leverage in junior gold stocks to gold bullion, right now, than there is with futures contracts. That's the power, that's the tool that is sitting right in front of you in your gold toolbox. Jim Sinclair, the only real bank family member of the gold community, has predicted (knows?) that gold futures markets (the COMEX) will be turned into cash-only markets with no leverage. I'll add that if YOU are long gold futures on the day that is announced by surprise, you'll have the mother of all margin calls.

23. Don't focus on some negative mining report and ignore billions of dollars of institutional money flow panic-buying the juniors!


Oct 14, 2009
Stewart Thomson

email for questions:
email to request the free reports: freereport1@bell.net

21. As the juniors go on a tear that could make the high-tech bull market look like a bear, I believe "stock picking" will become even more irrelevant with the junior golds that it was with the high techs. The gold juniors ETF could see hedge fund participation. If so, all bets are literally off as to the upside, when you are talking about funds leveraging their investments in junior golds at 20 to 1, 30 to 1, 50 to 1. And more.

22. Last week I asked subscribers to send me their favourite gold juniors and I'd run the technicals on them and post them on my website. I got overwhelmed. I posted all thru the weekend and I'm still only partway done. The bottom line is that the technical situations on almost all the gold monthly charts is the exact opposite of what I saw when they crashed last year. Basis the monthly charts, last year showed one major sell signal after another. What I'm seeing now, especially basis the TRIX indicator that is too boring for most writers and investors to follow, what I'm seeing are major multi-YEAR buy signals! It is absolutely critical that you get out of the mindset of trying to flip your junior golds on some company-related announcement. Use the information from the various junior gold writers to pick the companies to buy, but after that, all those upside pops that seem big now, will be too small to see on the chart. Don't use the advice of the junior gold writers to sell, to "manage" your juniors portfolio. You'll wreck it. As the banksters' grand plan of creating worldwide USDollar panic is played out to perfection, the whole juniors section will launch upside in a move too big to miss out on. That panic is also designed to crash the US bond market, which would add an even bigger engine to the gold bull market. The bond market didn't disintegrate in the 1970s gold bull until near the end. I believe it will be the same this time.

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