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Message: Fundamental View comments on EXS Jan 7th

Fundamental View comments on EXS Jan 7th

posted on Jan 17, 2010 02:05PM

I like this guys blog and especially his thoughts on EXS.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Explor Resources – Continued West Timmins Due Diligence

Anyone either invested in, or thinking of becoming an Explor Resources Shareholder might want to take a good read of the following article providing a very good historical analysis of the Lake Shore Gold property in West Timmins but more importantly shows how interpretation of data from one geologist to another is so different that it is very easy to walk away from a gold resource without even knowing it. That's how the exploration game works. It takes years and years of data, patience and of course, luck. Most importantly, it takes a geologist willing to think “outside the box”.

The article you should all read is titled Holmer Gold Mines, Sethu Raman and the Lake Shore Gold Story. The piece, published in the Northern Miner back in September of 2009, is presented in full by clicking the link.

I encourage you all to read the article and to take note of the fact that most of the data contained therein was in large part due to the efforts of of one very motivated Dr. K. Sethu Raman. An “out of the box” thinker whose theories helped that project get to where it is today. Take note of the rock types associated with the gold zones.

Then, take note of the comment near the end.

The westward extension of the Timmins Destor Porcupine mine trend abruptly ends at the N-S trending Mattagami River Fault and the geological setting and location of the faulted extension remained elusive for over 80 years.

Now refresh your memories and take another look at the EXS land package in Bristol Township and take special note of where the eastern boundary lies. You guessed it, the Mattagami River Fault.

I take comfort knowing that one of the main driving forces behind the Holmer Mine and the brains behind the operation there, Dr. Sethu Raman hypothesizes that the gold occurrence ends at the eastern boundary of EXS' property. As per the earlier work performed on the report linked above to the lands marked in orange on the above map, the key point to keep in mind when assessing EXS is that before Explor Resources got involved, nobody went deep enough on the property as was done to the West.

The geology sets up the same. Numerous gold showings at shallow depths were noted in the very extensive Cameco report cited in my INITIAL BRISTOL due due diligence report. I then followed up with additional data HERE wherein I put it out there that the gold to the southwest may actually be the tied into the massive porphyrys on the EXS claim block.

Given that it is felt by one of the brightest minds in West Timmins exploration that the gold zone extends to the Fault bordering EXS’ property to the east, it would be reasonable to hypothesize that EXS may be sitting smack dab on top of a massive gold showing. Of course, past data is never a guarantee for future success [I want to emphasize this]. However, I urge you all again to take note of the numerous gold showings at shallow intercepts in the Cameco exploration program which almost mirrors the initial showings summarized in the link I provided above. It took a bright mind to say “Damn-it…lets go deep!” and voila, a new camp was established.

We can now handicap the potential better knowing that the early Cameco exploration data was very similar to the initial Holmer/LSG data.

What remains to be seen now is whether or not lightning can strike twice and whether the mine trend does indeed carry right to the Mattagami River Fault. The trick now is finding it because If it does, I don’t think I need to tell you all what the enormous rewards would be.

Remember, these reports are never a recommendation to either buy or sell. Always consult your broker and do your own due diligence. Past results are never indicative of future gains. Feel free to chime in with any of your own thoughts or interpretation of the article linked to above.

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