Exploring for gold and base metals in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt

Abitibi has produced more than 180 M ounces of gold and more than 450 Mt of Cu-Zn ore to date

Message: MD&A


Firstly, I wanted to express my appreciation to the bashers on the Stockhouse Bull Board for taking the time to post their thoughts, even though they don’t own any stock. Seeing their postings is, of course, unavoidable, as the site’s posting rules are pretty relaxed. Collectively, however, they have had an impact on the price of the equity, as some investors have obviously decided to move on, buying into their nonsense. Add to that, the ongoing fluctuations in the metals markets, as well as speculator interest moving to other well reported sectors, and its no surprise that Explor stock is at a 4 year low. To me, that represents a very surprising entry point for any new investor, or a terrific opportunity to average an existing holding.


Corporately, the Company’s assets have grown exponentially over the past 4 years. A requirement of the Toronto Venture Exchange is the quarterly submission of an MD&A report (Management Discussion & Analysis). Explor’s most recent report is dated March 29th, 2018, and can be found at www.sedar.com. I’ve read hundreds of these reports over the years, but have never seen one as thorough, or as comprehensive, as this one. It spans 49 pages, offering investors the answers to virtually any question they might have about any of the Company’s properties. All fifteen property blocks are described in infinite detail, including history, drilling, and plans moving forward. Excluding the recent Hoyle Pond property block, those corporate assets are conservatively valued at CDN$36,400,000 (Pg36).


My most recent discussion with Chris Dupont was very encouraging. ‘Significant’ progress has been made with American, and European based lenders in regards to the financing of the extraction of 250,000ounces of GOLD at the Timmins Porcupine West GOLD Deposit (TPW). He also indicated that the metallurgical testing results should be forthcoming as early as next week, and that preparations for delineation drilling at the TPW are underway. He also suggested investors should follow www.metalsnews.com as a comprehensive, and informative, interview between Dr. Allen Alper and Dupont should be posted to the site by the end of the week.


In my experience as a shareholder of this equity, I’ve never had any doubts about the experience, or professionalism, of the Directors, or key personnel. I find it sad that the equity is tied more to the price of GOLD, and Copper, than to its assets, or people.


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