I wasn't glued to my screen all day today, but am assuming, given the current share price, that Exxon has totally failed in their Mako drilling program and that the Hungarian government has taken back the Mako lands to expand their onion program in order to bring in foreign credits as required under the IMF's 25 Billion dollar loan. The current share price would also seem to indicate that the Wyoming drill program is a bust, as the Bruner clan has spent all the $millions from Exxon - celebrating their new FAMILY JV and now find themselves out of spare change. The Beetaloooooo Basin now appears to be our last great hope, but without Lanman's great skills in all things Basin Centered, I fear for any chance of success. However, I did get my latest stink bid filled so now I have some more shares of a totally worthless company, which I am very happy with and on that note I will go celebrate with a little glass of red!! Cheers.
Regards Paul