Born Tobouggie
thanks for the friendly and rather positive response to my post.
I was refering to comments made by yourself earlier in February.
I will cut and past the reference you made to a "hungarian stock exchange listing"
posted on Feb 06, 09 04:41PM
...mrBeetalbee Beetaloo...all we can say is if it looks like it...reads like it...sounds like it...and smells like it...then it is it...just deal with is on its way where it has always been headed...those that had the fortitude, and belief in the resource and company are patiently waiting...those that didnt are ticked off and cant bare to imagine it may work out...the question we have been waiting for since day 1 is about to be answered...will they for bourse...are you planning on buying over there???...if we remember correctly it is an opportunity for the people of the country where mako is located to be part of the hysteria that will soon be known as MAKOMANIA...gofo and g'day