Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

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Message: Re: Preparations underway for Hungary-Slovakia gas line - Eddie

>Soly. What supporting evidence do we have that Exxon will stay after plugging up that final well they were forced to drill based on the initial agreement to spend the prescribed amount.

Okay Eddie, this is what was said:

“On October 30, 2009, Production Ventures East Hungary Kft., an affiliate of ExxonMobil (“Production Ventures”), completed certain operations on the Földeák-1 well, at which time the well was temporarily suspended. The conclusion of these operations was also the completion of the Initial Work Program, and the expenditure of Production Ventures’ and MOL’s $50 million financial obligation under the PDA.”

This slide was presented on the 14th of December 2009 by Exxon:

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