I just want to say that it was my observation that what destroyed the last board was attacking individuals. I see that happening here as well. Please take emotion and personal shots out of your messages. I would strongly recommend no replys to this message and that everyone go look in the mirror and be honest with yourself if you would like someone to post against you the same way you are posting.
If we stay with our thoughts and facts and make it clear which are thoughts and facts and keep the personal shots out we can learn from each other. If we continue we will soon look like the old board or even worse Parliment!
Please do not reply but do take a minute to reflect
I hold a significant amount (for me) and have mixed feelings about this stock. I hold but can not add as it is a bigger part of my portfolio than should be by almost all investment strategies which puts me at high risk (all eggs in almost 1 basket) but I believe it is a calculated risk I can live with for now.
Best Regards
2 Happy