You never seem to stop creating more space for your increasing risk appetite.
Given that you originally bought for $4,00 and given that the year high represents a 100 % gain for you,the number of shares to average out your first position of $ 4 is about 18 times higher !
e.g : 10 000 for $4,00 = $ 40.000 plus 180 000 for $ 0,18 ($32.400) = $72.400
$ 72,400 : 190 000 shares adds up to $ 0.38/per share.
Compared to the shareprice of late (19 cents) you look like being 100 % under water.If I were in your shoes,I would sell for .38 cents ,as if that would ever happen and run for the hills.....
....sounds like a bedtime story anyway!