In terms of Spiegel and your unconventional gas in Europe articles, in connection with the fact, that most of the users overhere were left behind, due to the lack of the German language, I want to point out, that the main focus momentarily is the day to day concern of the Beetaloo financing, which is in full swing.
Do you have any evidence, no matter in which language, to prove your statements of lack of interest and no exitement, or do you just want us to take part in your gut feeling ?
If there is any proper evidence you can expose in line with your private expectations in the next couple of days in terms of the addressed financing, could you please mitigate our impatience and post the facts ?
As a matter of fact, the next highlights will be approaching from down under, and the Hungarian Rhapsody is over for the time being.... friend from Kassel, wherever Kassel might be, out in the sticks, you plain honest German......have a nice weekend