I wonder if the Beetaloo opportunity will even be discussed in the directors meeting - given the size of Hess's E&P budget and all the major expenditures that are in the works? If they give a report on director's meeting, it would be great if someone could post it here when available.
I gained allot more confidence in Hess's direction for the Beetaloo - when Philip was discussing the fact that Hess is talking to other players to farm in on their deal (in the video link that Dlasalle posted earlier or from the telephone interview that moneytrader posted). Philip explained that under the terms of the Hess agreement - any discussions on a third party farm-in must be disclosed to Falcon, and if Hess is talking to other farm-in players - then they must be looking very strongly at proceeding forward - hopefully!!
On a side note - the AIM share price has been moving up quite nicely to 16.5 pence today - which corresponds quite nicely with the TSX price of around 26 cents today. However, the volume on the AIM exchange was 2.3 million versus a few hundred thousand on the TSX. You have to wonder who would be selling out their position in London for a couple of pence profit - when the stock is under accumulation and the D-Day is only a couple weeks away??