If the JV had of been announced before the big downdraft started last Friday, we would have had a better chance of a run up to the 30 cent level. The volume of 30 million shares getting day traded over the past week put Falcon down so far that it will take more time for the story to get out and longer term buyers to realize they should have a position. There were allot of short term players, like Cannacrap, that bought 3 million shares at 14.5 cents and are happy to dump for a short term gain of 4 cents. I think we will see a slow gradual improvement in the share price as this deal and Falcon's prospects get more exposure. The clear indication in today's JV new - of a "5 year" time line certainlly didn't help in getting the runnup we were expecting either. This doesn't sound like a speedy move to capitalize on the assets, but that may have more to do with building infrastructure for any new found oil and gas than actually getting the drilling done!!
The best news today are the 20 million in cash and the expertise of our new JV partners - with the added bonus of Sasol on board to bring some added influence in South Africa, where Sasol is the biggest player in the the country. With a similar JV deal coming for the Karoo and possibly some positive testing from Hungary just around the corner, the share price should keep moving higher, but the timeline and number of shares outstanding will keep it in check until we see some real indication that the vast resources will be recoverable.