Sounds like the sharks are circling folks. Someone posts something they see online and everyone pounces. Are we getting testy with the recent downturn? Remember this is a high risk venture. Any positive press is good press even if it is spinning old news.
Since they have started drilling, I think Falcon will announce the following years production plan by the end of the year, since they will need to forecast out the equipment to bring in. From what I see they have one day left in June -- and they said they were drilling in June. Anyone seen any photos of drilling equipment on site?
Per Falcon press release --
"Civil works on the first well, “Kalala S-1” are now under way with the spudding on target for the end of June 2015."
Maybe we get a press release tomorrow that says
"Falcon is pleased to announce the successful spudding of its first well -- and oil and gas came spewing out". Riches to follow.