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Message: Crazy Valuations

So let's throw out the "backroom boys" and the "eternal optimists". In between what is the consensus for these crazy price targets we've all seen this week? Finncap has "reduced" their target price from "$27 to $26" (of course we'd all sell our souls for anything over $10). Another house stated their target of $21 CAD. Where are these #'s coming from or are they simply eminating from UK based pumping houses? I mean i'd like to believe that the properties we are sitting on and their potential reserves of oil and gas are very meaningful, but at this point who in their right mind is putting $20+ targets on the stock?? If one day this happens i will be happily retired but in the meantime is there any justification whatsoever to this? Anyone know anything about Finncap or the other broker who are touting $20+ ? Are they trying to pump it so they can sell some larger blocks?



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