Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

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Message: Potential for Future Fracking Moratorium? - Australia, Northern Territory...
The remifications of a fracking moratorium in the Northern Territory would be a devastating blow to Falcon. The word of this discussion probably did cause the share price to move south. However, the best thing that could happen for us at a time when fracking is being used as a political chip to get votes in the August elections, is for Pangaea Resources to suspend 2016 operations. The job losses, both directly and indirectly, will cause a severe economic impact on an area that is counting on the success of the drilling and fracking programs of companies that have already been granted permits within the territory. I'm betting Origins is committed to the timetable this summer and commences the hydraulic Fracking as planned. Perhaps being the first to demonstrate commercially viable flows will be a favorable reward for us.
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