Welcome To The Falkland Oil and Gas Limited HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: duncanmcl appointed Hub Leader

Welcome, Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd is registered in the Falklands, stock traded on the London AIM exchange and available OTC pink slips as FOLGF. Has major off-shore leases Falklands Islands with a new farm-in by BHP Billiton currently at 51% for 4/3 cost to develope 2 wells + $10 M to LOLGF, plus option for 65% for 4/3 cost + $2.5 M...studies suggest to 90 BBOE potentials.....2 shareholders control 65%...so float is 30m shares +/-.....BHP looking for a rig to start...seismic complete...do your dd and lets talk!

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