Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Way to go Peter

Resonse to:

"You killed the rally completely,"

Noront's rally ended as well, due to stalling on NR

"You have no intention of drilling again so why do you attempt to take money from the market? Are you hard up? Need to make sure you have a salary for retirement?"

Your opinion smacks of emotion sublimating intelligence. You are a smart guy and I feel your frustration. But think about his actions. Last few week he consolidated a deal, released Magpie 43-101, and raised cash. This is not a man trying to retire. Smith now has cash to drill. Why would that not please you? I believe one should never smash someone unless you are willing to say that to his face. Have you called him? Back your rant with some guts.

"Can you tell, yes Im pissed, your sit on your hands self serving attitude is a joke! If you had waited for results on Noronts holes 49,50,51, you could have raised a lot more money and actually drilled something!" "Your attempt to take money from a PP at 66 cents is a total disaster and no one in their right mind will partake in it."

And should we discover the hedge funders who run NOT spread the rumor with out founding just to raise stock (unlikely), then we would have been glad he raised money at .66 rather then .12. This shows he learned his lesson at not raising cash at 3 waiting for 7 or more. Good job P.Smith. Raise more before the news release. We need a realistic drill plan. We can afford 50 mil OS if it helps hit nickel.

"Or you already know the results on Noronts holes and you expect the stock to tank?"

If you talked to him, you'd know he doesn't know yet and he's excited about FNC prospects. He's maintained this whole time the nickel is under there and FNC has lots of it. SP doesn't change the GEO studies.

"I cant wait till the day you are outsted, this comany needs a CEO who cares about all shareholders!"

Don't vote to oust Smith, what he needs is an ally to help share the work load -like Friedland.



Now what we need to figure out is how much are drills drilling for? Are they cheaper then before. Is one at the site to drill with ASAP. How deep will he need to go now, 1000? And how much will that cost so we can determine how much more cash he needs raise for a decent drill plan. Who ever calls him next, ask if he'd like to say anything to us and we'll post it for him.


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