Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Re: Sum of Intel
Apr 14, 2010 12:39AM
Apr 14, 2010 04:09PM
Apr 14, 2010 05:18PM
Apr 14, 2010 05:31PM
Apr 14, 2010 05:40PM
Apr 14, 2010 05:51PM
Apr 14, 2010 10:42PM
Apr 15, 2010 01:47AM
Apr 15, 2010 02:01AM

I don't mind you raining on my pump parade. It refocuses us on what’s important: nickel.

But criticism alone doesn't bring new data. We all feel your frustration. Peter as a CEO is aggravating, and there is much to criticize. But in adding to the negative, let’s also do some leg work so we can contribute to the positive. Phone call Peter and ask about the newly discovered drill targets, then report to us coinciding with criticism. Call other CEO's and Geos and get their thoughts on his drill targets. Discover which other Ceo's invest in Fancamp and why? Now that NOT and FNC have begun a dialogue, what is Wes’s view on Smith's theory of where the nickel lies?

Side Note:

Peter revised his position to drill for chromite for a reason. Cliffs is investing 1.5 bil. Will Cliffs content themselves with just FWR land? Look at the map and think 1.5 billion infrastructure. They’ll want it all. Plus conversations with Smith and other CEO's share a belief that Cliffs will move on other ROF companies soon –not next year, but now. One intriguing question: is it in Cliff’s interest for FNC or NOT to find ore and increase their SP before or after they make an offer?

This is the year of Fancamp.

-stock greed

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Apr 15, 2010 09:29AM
Apr 15, 2010 06:11PM
Apr 15, 2010 06:18PM
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