Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Here is the Set Up

If Management makes all the right moves and acts swiftly, then two things will occur:

1) We will be holding two companies: Fancamp Exploration, Ltd. and Magpie Mines, Inc.

2) The investing community will have to acknowledge that FNC management has changed. It is different, swift moving, and concerned with shareholders interest.

I have been expecting news from management last week or this week. I’m sure we’d have it by now if Management all lived in one city. At this point, all big money value seekers need to ask is what is the risk if investing in FNC? For catalyst seekers, one need only read the posts and give management a call.

2/1/11 FNC = .63c

I wrote this because I'm positive this will be the last time I write our SP at this level. The market eventually understands and corrects. Right now the market doesn't get FNC, it understands CHM.

Champion Market Cap is $208,706,186

($208,706,186 x 17.5%)/FNC OS 58,043,612 = .629c

Our current SP places no value on 1.5mil CHM shares, nor CHM NSR, nor any other property afore mentioned that we possess.

Therefore, I see little risk for investing with Fancamp. Thanks to management’s efforts, we are now on the radar of fund managers and new large shareholders who have not yet taken the leap into FNC, but are poised to. Due to our small trading volume, I assume they are doing their due-dilligence and are willing to risk losing a bottom price for upward momentum. We also know that the large shareholders who recently entered haven’t exited. They anticipate a higher SP. Therefore, I believe FNC is primed to go into orbit with a catalyst.

But that's ok with me. While the market has zeroed in on part of our Fermont interest, I’m anticipating management to take advantage of the market blind spots. Magpie should get it’s long-overdue IPO.

Prior to CHM's iron discoveries, it was the most valuable property we possess. We'd be triple our MC if the market understood the interest Magpie is attracting. However the market has yet to do it’s DD on it. So let's take advantage of it. If we were $2.00 with a Magpie factored in, then when the IPO arrived, we’d drop following the split off. But today, Magpie is ignored, so we will rise.

It's the perfect set up for management to make a move.

-Stock Greed

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