Throw the Bums Out
in response to
posted on
Oct 16, 2012 12:10AM
Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.
Hello The Deputy.
It’s important to keep in mind, besides phone calls, to date, I’ve made three separate mailings (the old-fashioned kind). In that mail, I included very-detailed-attentively-laid-out Addendums. Those mailings, obviously, were substantive and, obviously, represented the sentiments of the overwhelming majority of shareholders. I put colourful stickers on the mailing envelopes. I enclosed business cards (with a “join us” message) along with matching refrigerator door magnets.
The contributors of this Message Hub have been trusting me to communicate our message firmly but respectfully. I’ll go out on a limb and give myself a passing grade. I cannot say the same for the recipients of our communications, especially seven of the nine Directors and the four Advisory Board Members. The failings of the highest representatives of Fancamp to respond to the legitimate concerns and constructive ideas of its shareholders is an inexcusable disgrace and a deep shame.
Report Card
Bob Granger – Grade A+. Obviously, he’s the man of the hour.
Debra Chapman – Grade F. When I called the office, she was standoffish. That’s the opposite of how shareholders should be received (especially being I was the spokesman of our group and had sent her a substantive introductory letter). My call was received without any level of helpfulness or respect. There’s nothing more seriously detrimental to investor relations than an attitude of distant detachment by the company officer most in front of the public. In so far as my follow-up correspondence, she ignored it, not communicating with me, even though I repeatedly encouraged her to express her views.
Fouad Kamaleddine – Grade F. No response (three times). “No response” is not acceptable conduct by any stretch of the imagination. Why go after a non-responsive reputation and label yourself that way? How can you justify representing the company that way? Having a far-removed and high-handed and cavalier and disrespectful attitude doesn’t impress me much.
Gilles Dubuc – Grade F. No response (three times).
Jean LaFleur – Grade F. No response (three times).
Mel De Quadros – Grade F. No response (three times).
Michael Sayer – Grade F. No response (three times).
Paul Ankcorn – Grade B. A good guy who feels he’s outnumbered. “I was put into a snake pit.”
Peter Smith – Grade F. He had Michael D’Amico of Investor Relations return my call (not calling me himself). Being D’Amico is not an employee, he has very limited power to get anything accomplished. Dr. Smith told him all our reforms are under review by the entire board. I doubt it. For one thing, I haven’t heard one word since, even though months have gone by. Also, Dr. Smith has never responded to any of the letters or email messages I sent him in the name of “Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp.” Naturally, in terms of his long earlier tenure at Fancamp, he rates much higher.
Advisory Board
Edward Thompson – Grade F. No response (three times).
John Harvey – Grade F. No response (three times).
Mackenzie Watson – Grade D. He had enough courtesy, at least, to call me. He thinks all Dr. Smith’s strategic corporate decisions have been well-reasoned. He thinks our stock price is fair, being no one has offered to take us over and being there’s no shortage of titanium. Of course, following that reasoning, all the coal mines of the world are worthless, being there’s no shortage of coal. Even though the guy is courteous, that’s not enough. Do we really have any need to have people on the Advisory Board who do not believe Fancamp has any intrinsic worth?
Mark Billings – Grade (Triple) FFF. On our website and in our corporate literature, this guy’s educational credentials are trumpeted as being so wonderful, they’re given as his job title. So, his name is presented as “Mark Billings, MBA Harvard.” Needless to say, over all the years at Harvard and according to the consensus of his professors, Mr. Billings learned very well the Harvard way to be an excellent “Master of Business Administration.” No doubt, at Harvard Graduate School, they drum into the heads of their brightest master students how important it is to ignore and disrespect the shareholders of the public companies they may be called upon to offer their advisory services.
Corresponding With Investors
Of course, more is going on than the inactivity I’ve just summarized. Improvements are in the works. It’s been frustrating trying to talk about them because, for the most part, I couldn’t. There were two reasons for being mysterious:
#1) Talking openly, in this forum, would have helped the other side.
#2) For whatever reason, the oppositional plans, while they were being worked out, were told to me only in general terms “off the record.”
Even if I had not heard about the emergent resistance, I would still be a buyer here (as I am). The values are not about to go away.