Nixon Fork Gold Mine Hosts Turn Key Mine Operation

NI 43-101 indicated resource of 128,500 ounces and inferred 74,600 ounces of gold

Message: HELP!

I'm afraid the answer to your questions will have to await until the completion of the two drill programmes: 12,000 metre of underground and 8,000 metres of surface drilling and the resultant resource estimates. However i do believe that the worm will turn if and when management announces a decision on the tailings pond. A positive decision would result in a the completion of facilities and provide cash flow for whatever is ahead.

I have my position on FAU and like all penny dreadfuls on the Vancouver Exchange you win some and you lose most. I like you have trouble with trying to understand just what keeps the price so low. I don't think management helps by being closemouthed about just what is going on outside of restating the previously drillcores. You can have too much good news if you don't have what is considered real news.


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