The WORLD'S Purest SILVER Producer


Message: First Majestic CEO wants silver miners to form counter-cartel against futures sh

First Majestic CEO wants silver miners to form counter-cartel against futures shorters

First Majestic Silver CEO Keith Neumeyer, interviewed by Future Money Trends, argues that silver miners should form a counter-cartel to combat the investment houses selling silver short on futures markets.

My congratulations to Keith Neumeyer and Co. for stepping up to the plate on this issue. I certainly hope that silver producers both big and small will rally around the flag that First Majestic has planted in the ground here, especially the producers based out of Vancouver.

This call to arms is not without dangers though, as Vancouver-based producers such as Pan American Silver and Silver Standard Resources will certainly not support such an initiative, as their masters at The Silver Institute wouldn't allow it. Let's see what happens---but for moment I thing we should all be grateful to Keith, along with the entire organization, for having the gonads to do what was necessary.

And if you want to help out here, you should contact the I.R. departments of any silver companies that you own shares in. A few keystrokes into your computer's search engine will bring up the required 1-800 number or e-mail address---and be polite, but forceful---and don't procrastinate, do it NOW!

The interview runs for 15:41 minutes---and can be heard at their website linked here. I found this in a GATA release posted on their Internet site very late last night.

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