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Message: Keith Neumeyer Doubles Down On Triple Digit Silver Call

Keith Neumeyer Doubles Down On Triple Digit Silver Call

Guest(s): Keith Neumeyer CEO, First Majestic

Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver, is sticking to his call that silver eventually will reach double digit prices. “Silver is extremely important, people look at it as the poor man’s gold, which is the absolutely the wrong way to look at silver,” Neumeyer said on the sidelines of the BMO Global Metals & Mining Conference. “Silver is an extremely critical metal, it’s a strategic metal, and the investment community will figure it out eventually.”Neumeyer noted that silver’s strategic prominence often flies under the radar, even when its applications are commonplace.“You couldn’t mine a bitcoin without silver,” he said. “No one talks about silver as the green metal. Silver is critical in achieving what we want to achieve as a human race.”




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