I dont know what the consensus on this board is, but Im having a hard time predicting wether this stock will settle/go for a small rise...or will take a nice run next week.
The fundamentals really are there for both, I think the catalyst is going to be exposure....something tells me average resource investors will clearly see the potential here...so Im honestly hoping the PDAC doesnt shed too much light on this...however one investor amassing a large position and not caring about a few pennies will definately have an effect on this stock.
Im getting my bids in on Monday...and I think Ill go a half penny above market just to be sure I get them....regardless where the market goes in the short term. Serious potential on this one ladies and gentlemen....Im not even really worried about a nickel here.\
Ive done a lot of DD in the past few days since becoming aware of this stock and Im taking anonymous' actions as a blessing....This really should be valued above a 6m market cap. Jim is definately an engaging fellow on the phone, and hes definately got a plan for this one.
Happy to buy in on this story,