First Mexican Gold Corp.

NEW: now 100% interest in the Guadalupe Property in Sonora, Mexico (Jan. 2012) / Best intercept: 37.8 metres of 6.51 g/t Au, 678 g/t Ag

Message: Vale and CGE...why is it good for FMG?

Good day Larry. Pardon me for being the sceptic here, but does a company like Vale show a company like First Mexican what they find if they find excellent results across the border??? If I may be the devil's advocate here, I would think that Vale would keep these results to themselves and try to purchase the ground out from under First Mexican shareholders for pennies on the dollar.

Just thinking like the rest of the world thinks these days... Why would Vale give any information away if they could literally take First Mexican away for cheap? Isn't that the way big companies work these days? Just asking... That's how "I" see the markets and companies working these days, at least the limited knowledge that I have watching things unfold. Aurelian is a fine example of this. Results taking 6ish months to come out that could have affected the share price did not come out until after the offer for the company was more or less sold! Big companies want everything and they don't want to have to pay a fair dollar for it anymore. Why would they if they can get if for super cheap and make even more money for themselves??? That's just the way the world works nowadays... Greed seems to be rampant in today's age. Not that it wasn't before but there are just new ways for people to get the "regular" guy to invest his/her hard earned dollars to "find" something that the "big" boys just come in with their "rules" to take it out from under our noses...

Noront is another example of this... What would have happened if Richard had kept the reigns and dug out the first ore body with the mini mill and ice roads and used that money for exploration and found the cone that went deeper later on??? How would the share float compare to today's share float? How would the finds be today? I think that if the others wouldn't have pounded the share price down to a ridiculous sub 50 cents after being over $7, where would our share float and price be today if Richard had the ability to start the mining process small and ramp it up???

Now, I don't know the ins and outs of this kind of setup but it seems to me that taking out an ore body the size of Eagle 1 (not the deep stuff) could have been done in approx 7 years. That ore body was worth a couple of billion dollars, if memory serves me... What could have been done with a couple of billion dollars (and the initial cost Richard had worked out to take this high grade ore body out was approx 600 million, all costs incurred by Noront, not even shared with Government!!!) to further the Ring of Fire???

It just seems to me that the world is configured for the rich to get richer (for at least 95% of the time anyways, in MY humble opinion) and take money from us poor folks who actually work for a living to do it... Ingenious, if you are one of those rich _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... Not so good if you are one of us working class.

So, back to my point, do you honestly believe that if Vale found something of "significance" at depth that you or I would find out about it??? That is the question that begs to be answered, with ALL aspects factored in...

Sorry, but after what I have seen the markets doing and the sense that they seem to be making lately, I may be a little more sceptical than usual...

Have a great day, everybody!~!~!


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