First Mexican Gold Corp.

NEW: now 100% interest in the Guadalupe Property in Sonora, Mexico (Jan. 2012) / Best intercept: 37.8 metres of 6.51 g/t Au, 678 g/t Ag

Message: Soro's Buying Millions In Gold!
Have a Great Sunday!
America's New Nightmare
By Brittany Stepniak | Sunday, August 26th, 2012

The dollar's on the brink of collapse, our entire financial system is run by corrupt politicians and scheming banksters, and now this...

Our former existence as a nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all has been threatened by forces beyond our control.

Aren't you tired of being walked all over, of being distrustful of your government, of being fearful of your family's well-being and financial security?

What happened to liberty?

What happened to the free market and healthy competition?

Banker manipulation, totalitarianism rule, and renewed Y2K fears prevail.

Schools across our nation discuss taking away the strict grading system, using arbitrary standards instead. They're trying to chip away our children's ambition to impose a “fun-and-fair-for-all” approach to education and athletics.

Is a blissfully ignorant upbringing worth the sacrifice? Is doing away with our future generation's curiosity, desire to learn, grow, and think for themselves really the direction we're headed?

Thinking about the degree of dependency this sort of upbringing inevitability creates and enables gives me chills...

Thinking about that kind of future is enough to induce nightmares.

One can't help but wonder what's happening to the United States, a country that once boasted overzealous, ambitious risk-takers who understood the value of work ethic and the quality of life it could reward them with.

There was a time when success came to those who worked for it. But as Nick Hodge showed us with hard figures and charts in his article this week, we are becoming a complacent zombie state.

The television and radio offer no escape. Every political debate and banter I hear, every news story I read is enough fodder to fuel my nightmares for a lifetime.

The truly terrifying thing is that it's becoming more difficult to distinguish some of my nightmares from real life...

The reality: Modern-day America is turning into a totalitarian government with manipulated markets, thanks to our greedy, dishonest politicians and bankers.

I believe the first step is always knowing. Don't let fear keep you in the dark.

Allow me let you in on what's been happening in the latter portion of this year that has experts expecting something seriously detrimental is on the way...

Renowned investor George Soros has been maniacally selling his stocks and stocking up on gold. Soros recently dumped over a million shares of stock in some major banks to purchase $100 million worth of gold.

He sold approximately $50 million in stocks and acquired roughly 884,000 shares of Gold via the SPDR Gold Trust. That's nearly a $130 million value.

Why? Soros is preparing for a complete collapse of our financial system. He recognizes gold is the only true safe haven.

Central banks are also loading up on gold: China has increased gold imports by an astonishing 640% from 2011 to 2012. The World Gold Council has been documenting these exponentially increasing demand trends, which show us the amount of gold bought by other central banks soared dramatically in the second quarter of this year as well: sales increased by 137.9% from Q2 last year.

Additionally, more than $10 billion has been extracted from equity funds over the past two weeks alone. The Facebook IPO disaster (the company has lost close to half of its value since it went public with the IPO) is just a part of an ominous bigger picture.

Insiders are selling in a frenzy, getting out at the top of the market while there is still something left to be gained...

Why? They are preparing for a complete collapse of our financial system. They recognize gold is the only true safe haven.

Perhaps the most alarming charade in this elaborate scheme pertains to our own government.

On August 15, you may have read that the Social Security Administration was set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 different locations across the nation. An online ammunition retailer quoted these bullets as being “a great personal defense bullet.”

First it's the Department of Homeland Security... then the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration... and now the Social Security Administration — in total, over one billion rounds of ammo purchased by various segments of the United States Government...

Why? They are preparing for a complete collapse of our financial system. They're preparing for the country to erupt in social unrest.

Maybe this collapse will take place after the coming election; maybe not.

Are you prepared?

Best wishes for a prosperous future,

Brittany Stepniak


W. C. Guy

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