First Mexican Gold Corp.

NEW: now 100% interest in the Guadalupe Property in Sonora, Mexico (Jan. 2012) / Best intercept: 37.8 metres of 6.51 g/t Au, 678 g/t Ag

Message: Hmmm ????

Hi my friend el Lobo loco , coffee ? You posted--> However, (since this is an investment site), maybe we could throw some kind of company together with a tight share structure and pitch the idea of finding solid proof of ante-diluvian civilizations to potential investors...

I agree, and will throw in one slightly used mule to sweeten the pot.

Yonaguni is definitely a fascinating site, has it ever been established if it is man made or not? Personally it looks man made to me, you ? Money angle ?

As for Atlantis, no-one has yet to prove that the location is incorrect or impossible, on the contrary, even members of the scientific community have expressed interest since it fulfills all of the necessary requirements, however, it now up to you -- please dive down 4000 meters to confirm it’s existence. 'thank you'.

The Aztec migration is even now being confirmed, but no mmediate negotiable returns are expected from it.

How about a small ship loaded with chocolate sized Gold bars - only 40 ft of water. Now this is a possibiity, if one can manage to secure a marine salvage permit.

sigh one can dream and hope.

Don Jose deLa Mancha

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