I believe at one point CGE and FMG actually teamed up and shared info on an IP survey which showed that most of the major anomalies trended toward FMG properties. I don't know how valuable this info is....but certainly anyone interested in CGE would be very interested in FMG as well...it remains to be seen what these last 8-10 holes will reveal..but someone likes them enough to put up $600,000 for a PP at 10 cents on a stock that was trading at 2 cents a couple of months ago. If I was a shareholder in CGE...I would not be a happy camper that this info is not in the public domain...as I said before if the results are significant then they should be shared with all shareholders....and if their is potential for a legit find then FMG should be also be informed. I hope the key players on the CGE side are playing the game in an honourable way and this is not just a VSE short term play.