I keep expecting this turkey to fly!...then it drops back to $.04 (bid .035!)
So I was forced to buy another 30,000 at $.04 and there was someone else buying in there as well, so at least I'm not the only turkey farmer...and 4 cents a lb is a very good price for turkey!...so I should be happy...if I wasn't convinced that I'm a compulsive idiot...
But we touched on the 200 dma so hope there's some support here at least technically...and the 50 dma should cross up and over in a week or two (if the turkey doesn't run over the cliff first)...last time that happened, we had a pretty good run from .035 to .07 so could happen again...
But this corex guy next door says the turkey is not a turkey, but it's really an eagle, resting his a$$ for a while...so anybody know...What's the price per lb for eagle?
Elmer Fudd