I like your writing, Keegan! It's poetic, phil-o-soph-ical, thoughtful, expressive, hopeful...
"we're all sitting in a raft at sea waiting...and we're all getting hungry herb, for cookies..."
Wow! Great!...but I don't understand big words, like thesaurus, ominous, portentous, auspicious...and I don't really understand poetry, or phil-o-sophy for that matter...
...but it's almost like, all the intelligent people in the Western World are sitting in rafts at sea, waiting, waiting, waiting, for cookie crumbs, messages in bottles, fortune-cookies, tarot cards, a 3 cent move, a golden-cross, a break-out, a news release! Like me, (but much more smarter) ...they've all been turned into... empty, weird, hollow, copies of...
The Village Idiot.