First Mexican Gold Corp.

NEW: now 100% interest in the Guadalupe Property in Sonora, Mexico (Jan. 2012) / Best intercept: 37.8 metres of 6.51 g/t Au, 678 g/t Ag

Message: Re: Not much Green this Morning
Strange how there is always someone or some entity ready to sell it right back dowm, on 3000 shares if your numbers were correct, W C G. 58K up and then 3K down... The stock market seems soooo controlled these days. It's like, sombody wants to buy in to a stock, any stock, and the price goes significantly up with huge volume and then it peters out hour by hou or day by day with little lots on the ask always taking it down... This is what my ex wife wanted to play in Noront 10 years ago that cost us to miss the initial run up to 6 bucks. I did mention "ex", right? So, some good news will most likely give FMG a really good run up, hopefully soon, and then it will be interesting just how far the pull back will be. I would hope and pray that it would not be drastic but I have held on this long, and I do have a set "for sale" price and no, I will not publish it here. Let's just say I am hoping to sell it in the next 1 1/2 years... Herb
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