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Message: Here's a post that sums up NITE

From SevenTenEleven @ IH:

KCG - NITE will cease to exist. The way NITE does business and how they manipulate the markets will cease to exist.

Their counter-parties in Canada and elsewhere off-shore are in a tough spot. Exposure is coming for all who carelessly scoffed at the securities laws and the integrity of the financial system.

It is a beautiful thing watching NITE all these years manipulating the markets.

First the 3rd party pump, supported by unattainable pricing targets, which NITE would naked short sell into.

Second came the well coordinated pullback of the pump, followed quickly by news shattering support.

Third came the distort! And oh what a distort we have seen over the years sponsored by NITE et al, their counter-parties out of Canada, and their off-shore tax evading hedge-fund financiers. Many of the distorts were supported by collaborating law firms filing class action lawsuits, which to this day, have never revealed a single victory for "scammed" shareholders.

Forth came the endless naked short selling and the collusion of retail brokers accepting deposits of billions of dollars worth of counterfeit electronic equity markers. All carefully hidden from regulators not looking for them.

Fifth came endless naked short selling. If the company could survive, they diluted their entire AS below $0.0001, and then were forced to Reverse Split.

Sixth and final chapter of the naked short selling with impunity manual was that if the companies didn't survive, endless requests for total tax write-off ensued from brokers et al.

BK being the holy-grail of the naked short selling NITE et al. machine. Keep 100% of the naked short selling profits, never have to pay taxes, and reward their puppets within the Boston and Miami Offices of the SEC for filing the "ghost written" SEC complaints.

Nothing like a well written and coordinated plan of crime and corruption.

Quote: Huge difference, there was plenty of wrong doing involved by all parties involved in the FB IPO, there has been none disclosed at this time with KCG. Unlike NASDAQs decision to "power" through and not halting trading on a specific security, FB dumping more shares onto the market than originally agreed upon, non disclosed earnings reduction with exception to certain large investors and way over valued price per share, there has been no known negligence discovered with KCG.

Filing frivolous lawsuits is pouring away perfectly good

Tic Toc

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